
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why So Many Posts?

So today I realized that a bunch of my friends have awesome blogs. I'm not going to link them, cause I'm just lazy cruel.  But anyway, now you might be asking "What's up with the multitudinous blog posts, dude?"  And I would respond by saying, "Yo, dude, I'm probably only going to be committed to this for a week, cause it is my break.  I'm making up for all the blog posts I won't post later, all the hours, of my adoring fans, spent refreshing this page hoping for new things to read."  Then I would go on to say, "The people who actually do that need to get a life..."  So I didn't write this post merely to talk about why I'm writing this post that would be stupid!

Farewell and happy reading!

Just kidding, that act, too, would be a stupid one, I'm again just really bored.  What do you do to stop boredom?  Personally, I don't care, it probably isn't as cool as what I do; I write on my blog.  No, actually I write random crap like this:  "dslkfhbsdklfbslfhbsdlfhbsdlfhbsdflhsbfljhsdbfljsdhbfsljhbfsdljhfbsdljhfbsdjlhfb."  Normally it is much more poetic.  Like Shakespeare.  Shakespeare BIOTCH!  (Heckler:  That wasn't funny.  Me:  Your mother wears combat boots!)

If you haven't noticed I like tangents, I'm not focused and apparently "loud and annoying," all I can say is, "you win some, you lose a lot."  But enough self-pity, virtual dance-party, yeah! Disco!

And then after that dance of awesomeness I... wait what am I saying? what was I going to say? where am I?  I'm seriously lost.  okay..... ummmmmmm...... Another virtual dance partay. "YAY!"

(I pity anyone who has been trying to figure out what the hell I've been talking about for the last 5 paragraphs.)

Now shall I actually talk about something?  that isn't crazy?  that doesn't make me look as crazy nutzo as bat guano?  I THINK SO!  Look a link, to something!  If any of you have seen this video I applaud your skills.  I'm sorry if any mexicans and/or african-american people see this.  Who am I kidding? No I'm not!  It's so goddamn funny.

Now that that video is out there, we can all admit we're all slightly racist, "whether they're black, white purple, or green.  Wait, you gotta draw the line somewhere, purple or green?  To hell with purple people.  Unless their suffocating, then help 'em."  (Mitch Hedberg)

Okay, that still made me look crazy, hmm, plan B!  To the Bat Cave! Theme music!

The end, I'll post again when I've regained my sanity, and some self-respect.